Compliance Services

In sectors like fintech or blockchain, compliance processes are necessary to receive and maintain a license and successfully develop the business. Star Legal team is ready to support you in every step, from building your company’s AML policy to integrating automated AML/KYC and transaction monitoring software.


In the light of a stricter regulatory approach toward financial institutions, it is essential to build strong internal AML policies. Star legal team will help create internal policies, procedures, and

controls that will effectively manage risks and make the company compliant with the current regulatory framework.

Internal policies will support your employees when faced with AML-related decisions and provide guidance on what actions they should take. If a company already has an AML policy and procedures, the Star Legal team can audit and improve it for full

compliance with legal requirements.


Star Legal can provide a wide array of AML solutions, from finding the right technology tools for new client onboarding to AML/KYC checks and screening or transaction monitoring. Our individually tailored services will allow your cryptocurrency or fintech business to automate AML procedures and control risks effectively. With a vast experience in AML processes and the continuously broadened know-how of our specialists, Star Legal team will implement the most effective AML technological solutions.

Tools of our business partners facilitate detecting suspicious activity and analyze transactions and customers across all jurisdictions. We will customize the solutions to best fit your products and work on optimizing procedures so that you can expand the operations.

We are ready to collaborate in bringing comprehensive legal solutions to you and your clients.